Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Coconut Production

Coconut Production

       Coconut is one of the major sources of oil in the world. Coconut grows in the tropical areas such as Philippines. Aside from cooking oil, Coconuts also contributes to the production of soaps and cosmetics. It is also known as a tree of life for almost all of its part can be used. Starting from leaves, its leaves can be used as walis, coconut fruit is best used in fruit salad, its body can be used in parts of the house and all other parts can be used in decoration. Coconut tree can be classified as tall or dwarf . Tall coconut trees grows up to 20 meters while those dwarf coconut trees only grows up to 3 meters. We came to realize that for better harvesting, we must plant dwarf coconut tree but tall coconut trees lives for 30 to 50 years and dwarf coconuts only lives for up to5 to 10 years.If you came by to the Philippines make sure that you have to try the products of coconut. One of products of coconut, fresh coconut juice


       Our main goal here is give you a basic idea of how to raise a coconut tree. Since Coconut tree lives in tropical and sub-tropical climate, you must be living in one of the said climate place. Plot preparation in planting coconut is not hard, all we have to do is to remove any plants bigger than coconut. The place must be in open sunlight for maximum absorption of energy from the sun. Maintaining and removing any nutrient competitor such ass other unwanted grass by the use of herbicides. Raising a coconut tree is like raising a child it needs longer time before it can help, we must take care of it because how we treat a child can be seen in its adulthood.
       To maximize the fruit bearing capabilities of the coconut tree sometimes there is a need for fertilizer application, weeds removal and pest removal.
       In the time that the coconut tree bears fruit a care must be applied. Flowers of coconut tree is attractive to rats. Proper application of pesticides in removing pest must be considered. Once you late applied the pesticides and the rat will make sure eat and destroy your coconut fruit. You can only notice it if there are  young coconut fruits falling, that is how rats works, so take good care of your crops.
                                                                      Coconut seeds 

                                                               Tall Coconut Trees

                                                               Dwarf Coconut Tree