Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sugarcane Production

Sugar Cane Production
        Do you know that a sugarcane is a kind of Grass?. Sugarcane is perennial in nature, it lives for a many years same as trees. Sugarcane grows in a tropical countries.
        One of the major product of some countries especially Philippines is the sugarcane.
Sugarcane has many uses in our daily lives. Imagine life with no sugar, no sweetness in our coffee, juice and other beverages. Aside from sugar, sugarcane has also other products such as vinegar, alcohol, and even bio-ethanol that is used as fuel in many vehicles.
        Our main goal here is to know some basic up to high-tech ways of the production of sugarcane from planting up to harvesting. In planting the sugarcane, proper ways must be considered. Choosing
 a variety of seed must be considered based on the nature of the plot to be planted. Based on reasearch on planting, you must use 3 stalks that at least there are two mature joints.
The position in planting, the 3 stalks must be placed to maximize the area of cover(maximum sunlight as possible). Note also that sugarcane yields more when planted in the months nearly august (based on research). The seed must be bury at a depth of 3-6 inches below ground.
For greater yield in production proper watering and fertilizer application must also be considered.
For less competition in the nutrients weeds must also be lessen, there are herbicides that are capable of eliminating any kind of weeds(herbicides must be used with proper care). An example of planting sugarcane, stalks are placed in V form to maximized the area of coverage.

        In harvesting the sugarcane, it takes 11 to 16 months depending on the variety of the cane before it is ready to be harvested. Traditional way of harvesting the sugarcane is by burning is thus removing the leaves and unwanted part of the cane, but now there are large machines that are capable of harvesting sugarcanes. This machines works fast. Basic and Machine ways of harvesting sugarcane is shown below. Aside from their size, the difference can already be seen. And machine works faster than human.

Machine works (above) and Human Works (below).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

High-Tech Ways of Corn Production

High Tech Ways of Corn Production

        High tech ways of corn production involves large machines from planting, spraying fertilizers, spraying pesticides and up to harvesting. The use of this machines can lessen the human labor force thus reducing the force need to do the same job. Large machines are capable of planting multiple seeds per cycle as a result of less time it takes to plat a very large part of land. The procedure in planting in basic and high tech ways are the same. The only difference between them is the use of machines to make corn production more easy, less outflow of money and greater income as compares with labor force. Below are some of the machines used in large scale corn production.

Lets start from cultivating the corn fields with the use of large machines. This machine is capable of cultivating corn field in faster ways.


Second is machines your planting corns.

Third picture is for spraying the corns.


And the last picture is used for harvesting corn.

Basic Ways of Corn Production

Corn Production
        There are many varieties of Corn. Corn Varieties differ in sizes, color and prize. The more the Hybrid the corn the greater its market price. Corn is the second next to rice the most in need goods in many countries such as in Philippines. In this site we will teach you the basic idea of corn production, basic means without the aid of any gigantic machines in planting corn. Those high-tech corn production will be tackled in the the other page.
        In corn production, we living corn, a piece of land  that is open in the sun(no obstacles that will prevent sunlight to pass through) to maximize the growth of the corn. Corn don't need large amount of water to grow, in fact it will grow most likely in dry land(not totally dry). The basic steps in planting corn are as follows.

       Assuming that you already have a piece of land to plant your corn(above picture). You must have to cultivate the plot, cultivation in soil helps improve the nutrients absorption of the corn(more absorption, more growth, then more income). Cultivation includes plowing it if in medium scale production, adding fertilizers if necessary. In small scale production of corn( in area of say 100 square meters or less), no need for the help of cows or carabaos  to to the job.But in medium scale production the need on machines, cows or carabaos help is necessary. You must have to sub-divide the plot horizontally or vertically for the purpose of easy planting and harvesting(same as shown in the figure).
If cultivating the plot is done then we can proceed in the next step.


       Step two is the actual planting of the corn. Patience is in need in this part because to much exposure in the of heat of the sun will make us feel tire.Planting corn is same as burying it under the ground for the range of 3 to 7 inches(depending on the variety of corn and in the variety of soil texture). For a drier land an increase in depth in planting is necessary to make sure that the corn seed will catch little water as possible. Little water is necessary to assure that  the corn will grow its roots into the soil. Note also that to much water will also damage the corn. Next step if the maintenance in corn production.

       Maintenance in corn production involves adding fertilizers in water for corns, spraying insecticides for unwanted insects(insecticides that wont harm human and other animals) and also spraying pesticides for removing unwanted pests. Spraying Pesticides must be a day or two days before the corn begin to produce flowers. Smell of flowers attract pest and insects to stay in the plant well in worst case also killing the plant as a result it will less you production. Make sure that the timing in applying insecticides must be before the pest devour the plants. In applying for the fertilizers, there are many kinds of fertilizer used others is mixed it water and sprayed in the soil while others are spread directly in in the corns leaves. Those fertilizers that sprayed directly in the leaves are also known as  foliar fertilizers its advantage is clear as it is sprayed directly to the leaves(in layman's term food placed already in the dining table) since leaves is the place where plants process its food. After a couple of months(3 to 4 months, depending on the variety of corn) protecting your corn from any harm you can now harvest you corn. To make sure that your corn is ready for harvest, test you corn get some of you corn the same with the rice there must be no milky white juice inside the corn. Corn shell must be already hard. The corn cover must be totally brown or golden in color and must me died out. If all the qualifications are already passed, then congatulations, your corn in now ready for step 4(harvest).
         Final step is the harvesting. Harvesting is tedious task, you must have to get the corn from its trunk. You must also have to remove its cover, if all are done then your corn is now ready for processing. There are many kinds of machines that will do this tedious task and it will be tackled in the other posts. Enjoy.

High-Tech Ways of Planting Rice

Planting Rice
         There are two kind of planting rice one that is used in planting in basic ways is called as the replanting system. In replanting system you have to let the rice grow first, then replant to a much bigger space. While in planting in high-tech ways is called as direct seeding, where the living rice is directly placed in the soil. We are happens to be confused about the replanting system, why plant then replant, actually the idea of replanting system is to get rid of unwanted plants in the rice fields. Since grass grow fast it would only take a months overpopulate the entire rice fields and and in replanting system is lesser the time it is exposed to the grass.
         Planting rice is much easier when using machines to do it. Less effort but with faster rate of planting.
         There a lot of new machines now use in planting rice. This machines never get tired, as long you have any fuel available it will run with in your command. This machine are capable of planting multiple rice per second. It can work faster than a group of skilled rice planters. It has higher accuracy in terms of the plant spacing and uniform in placing. The major advantages of this machines to a skilled rice planter is that it only need is fuel, whereas skilled planter take rest for sometimes.but with in a small scale rice planters, skilled planters are much useful and practical.

         Some of the machines used in planting rice.


Basic and High-Tech Ways Of Harvesting Rice

Harvesting Rice

          In basic ways is harder than you think. There are many types of tools in cutting and harvesting rice. One of the known tool is called as garab, a curve steel with a teeth same as those with saw but smaller is size. It is a well known tool use for harvesting rice. The garab is the one that the man is holding while hes harvesting rice.


        But nowadays there are a lot of tool, machines use in harvesting rice. Those machines are more efficient, less financing and high income.Large scale rice planters use those high tech machines in harvesting plants, less human power, less outflow of money and greater inflow. This Machines make the harvesting more easier than before, you dont need to grab the rice stalks with your hand, all you have to do is to ride and run this machines.
Some Examples of this high-tech machines:


The uses of large machines are for large scale harvesting, while using garab is for small scale.

Basic Ways Of Plating Rice

One of the most in need food in the world is rice. The steps in planting rice in basic ways is a simple yet muddy.

      You need a rice seeds, as many as you want for experiments or in large scale. you have to dry first the seeds under the sun for a couple of hours. After drying let it rest for another couple of hours until all heat is exhausted. For a large scale place the rice in a sack, 1 sack corresponds 1/8 of rice full. For experimental purposes place a cup of rice in a small cup. After placing the rice to their corresponding place submerge the rice (the cup or sack of rice) into the water, make sure that no rice will spill or else it will grow in the wrong place. After a couple of days (4-7 days , depending on variety of rice) in water, you will see that the rice will start to grow and it is now ready for the second step.

      Thins step is optional because the purpose of this step is just to simplify the later jobs. You should have to prepare a place where you can partially plant the rice. in choosing a place, it must be muddy, has large amount of water not as large that will make your rice be washed away.
Spread the rice in the mud, make sure that the rice is well scattered because it is need in the other steps. After spreading the seeds you must also put something that will prevent birds from eating your seeds so that you don't have to stay all night protecting your rice. Then you must have to wait for another couple of weeks (2-3 weeks, depending on a variety of rice). You will notice that your rice will grow in 10 to 12 inches then it is ready for the final planting(third step).

      The Final Planting. The same with the second stage, you must have to prepare for a plot that is rich in water and muddy. For easy harvest you must plant the rice in patterns, the basic pattern use is the square pattern. In this pattern you must have to plant the rice in square pattern and the distance of each side plant is 6 to 10 inches, depending on the variety. We use 6to10 inches in plants distances to maximize the nutrients the plant can absorb in the soil. After the rice has been planted, you must do some maintenance to improve the quality and volume of harvest. Like adding fertilizers in the soil, this will improve your plants quality. Plants are like business the more the competition the less the income, those plants that is not rice are also competing for the nutrients. To have more income you must have to remove those unwanted plants.

     Harvesting. After a couple of months protecting your rice from any harm it is now ready to be harvested. Rice can be harvest for about 3-4 months, depending on the variety. To make sure that your rice is bow ready to be harvest, you r rice must be golden in color. Test your rice, it must be solid (must have no juicy white milk inside) . Then ,if all the qualifications is all approved then your rice is now ready to be harvest.


Main Reasons why we Farm

First of all, let me place a question in your mind.
 What are the food that you ate everyday?
Those foods that you really like, such as cakes, sandwiches, bread and many more. Do you know where it come from?.

2 Main Reasons why we Farm.....
First is.
    We have to do farming because we want to eat good food, delicious and foods that can add vitality.
Second is.
     We have to do farming because we want something others can eat, foods that are not synthetic, and foods that are healthy.

Actually we do farming because of the need for food.
This site will guide you on the basic and to some high technologies of improving the Farming Systems.