Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Coconut Production

Coconut Production

       Coconut is one of the major sources of oil in the world. Coconut grows in the tropical areas such as Philippines. Aside from cooking oil, Coconuts also contributes to the production of soaps and cosmetics. It is also known as a tree of life for almost all of its part can be used. Starting from leaves, its leaves can be used as walis, coconut fruit is best used in fruit salad, its body can be used in parts of the house and all other parts can be used in decoration. Coconut tree can be classified as tall or dwarf . Tall coconut trees grows up to 20 meters while those dwarf coconut trees only grows up to 3 meters. We came to realize that for better harvesting, we must plant dwarf coconut tree but tall coconut trees lives for 30 to 50 years and dwarf coconuts only lives for up to5 to 10 years.If you came by to the Philippines make sure that you have to try the products of coconut. One of products of coconut, fresh coconut juice


       Our main goal here is give you a basic idea of how to raise a coconut tree. Since Coconut tree lives in tropical and sub-tropical climate, you must be living in one of the said climate place. Plot preparation in planting coconut is not hard, all we have to do is to remove any plants bigger than coconut. The place must be in open sunlight for maximum absorption of energy from the sun. Maintaining and removing any nutrient competitor such ass other unwanted grass by the use of herbicides. Raising a coconut tree is like raising a child it needs longer time before it can help, we must take care of it because how we treat a child can be seen in its adulthood.
       To maximize the fruit bearing capabilities of the coconut tree sometimes there is a need for fertilizer application, weeds removal and pest removal.
       In the time that the coconut tree bears fruit a care must be applied. Flowers of coconut tree is attractive to rats. Proper application of pesticides in removing pest must be considered. Once you late applied the pesticides and the rat will make sure eat and destroy your coconut fruit. You can only notice it if there are  young coconut fruits falling, that is how rats works, so take good care of your crops.
                                                                      Coconut seeds 

                                                               Tall Coconut Trees

                                                               Dwarf Coconut Tree

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sugarcane Production

Sugar Cane Production
        Do you know that a sugarcane is a kind of Grass?. Sugarcane is perennial in nature, it lives for a many years same as trees. Sugarcane grows in a tropical countries.
        One of the major product of some countries especially Philippines is the sugarcane.
Sugarcane has many uses in our daily lives. Imagine life with no sugar, no sweetness in our coffee, juice and other beverages. Aside from sugar, sugarcane has also other products such as vinegar, alcohol, and even bio-ethanol that is used as fuel in many vehicles.
        Our main goal here is to know some basic up to high-tech ways of the production of sugarcane from planting up to harvesting. In planting the sugarcane, proper ways must be considered. Choosing
 a variety of seed must be considered based on the nature of the plot to be planted. Based on reasearch on planting, you must use 3 stalks that at least there are two mature joints.
The position in planting, the 3 stalks must be placed to maximize the area of cover(maximum sunlight as possible). Note also that sugarcane yields more when planted in the months nearly august (based on research). The seed must be bury at a depth of 3-6 inches below ground.
For greater yield in production proper watering and fertilizer application must also be considered.
For less competition in the nutrients weeds must also be lessen, there are herbicides that are capable of eliminating any kind of weeds(herbicides must be used with proper care). An example of planting sugarcane, stalks are placed in V form to maximized the area of coverage.

        In harvesting the sugarcane, it takes 11 to 16 months depending on the variety of the cane before it is ready to be harvested. Traditional way of harvesting the sugarcane is by burning is thus removing the leaves and unwanted part of the cane, but now there are large machines that are capable of harvesting sugarcanes. This machines works fast. Basic and Machine ways of harvesting sugarcane is shown below. Aside from their size, the difference can already be seen. And machine works faster than human.

Machine works (above) and Human Works (below).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

High-Tech Ways of Corn Production

High Tech Ways of Corn Production

        High tech ways of corn production involves large machines from planting, spraying fertilizers, spraying pesticides and up to harvesting. The use of this machines can lessen the human labor force thus reducing the force need to do the same job. Large machines are capable of planting multiple seeds per cycle as a result of less time it takes to plat a very large part of land. The procedure in planting in basic and high tech ways are the same. The only difference between them is the use of machines to make corn production more easy, less outflow of money and greater income as compares with labor force. Below are some of the machines used in large scale corn production.

Lets start from cultivating the corn fields with the use of large machines. This machine is capable of cultivating corn field in faster ways.


Second is machines your planting corns.

Third picture is for spraying the corns.


And the last picture is used for harvesting corn.